B. Com (Bachelor of Commerce) 2nd Semester
Human Resource Management
Time Allowed: Three Hours] [Maximum Marks: 80
Note:-Attempt four short-answer type questions from Section A. Attempt two questions each from Sections B and C respectively.
1. What do you understand by Human Resource Management? Why is it needed?
2. Discuss the objectives of Human Resource Planning.
3. What is meant by Job Design?
4. Distinguish between placement and induction.
5. What is internal mobility?
6. Explain various fringe benefits.
7. Human Resource Management plays a vital role in the whole system of management of an industrial organization. Explain. Also comment on emerging issues in HRM.
8. What do you understand by selection process? Discuss various steps involved in it.
9. What do you mean by induction of an employee? What are the elements of induction training?
10. Write notes on:
(i) Job classification
(ii) Job rotation
(iii) Job design.
11. Define training. Discuss various types of training.
12. Briefly discuss the various methods of performance appraisal.
13. Explain various individual and group incentive plans. What are the advantages and problems associated with wage incentives?
14. Write notes on:
(i) Death, resignation and retirement
(ii) Suspension, discharge and dismissal
(iii) Lay off and retrenchment.
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