B. Com. - Bachelor of Commerce 5th Semester
Indian Economy
Max. Marks: 80] [ Time allowed: 3 Hours
NOTE: Attempt four short answer type questions from Section-A. Attempt two questions each from Section B and C respectively.
Section - A
1. Attempt any four of the following: -
a) Explain the economic reforms
b) What do you mean by national income?
c) Give any four causes of unemployment in India
d) Explain the difference between internal debt and external debt
e) Write a short note on NITI Aayog
f) What is Demographic Dividend?
Section - B
II. "India inherited a weak and battered economy from British in 1949". Comment.
III. Discuss in detail the various components of economic reforms.
IV. Discuss in detail the inter-regional variations in national income of India.
V. What do you mean by Demographic dividend? Suggest measures to tap India's demographic dividend.
Section - C
VI. What do you mean by balance of payment? Explain the causes of adverse balance in India?
VII. Discuss the growth and problems of capital market since 1991?
VIII. What do you mean by economic planning? Discuss its achievements and failures.
IX. Discuss the features of Indian tax structure.
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