B. Com. (Bachelor of Commerce)
3rd Semester
Interdisciplinary Issues in Indian Commerce
Time allowed: 3 Hours][Max. Marks: 80
NOTE: Attempt four short answer type questions from Section-A. Attempt two questions each from Section B and C respectively.
Section - A
1. Attempt any four of the following:-
a) What is the difference between FDI and FPI?
b) Write a note on American Depository Receipts.
c) How can "Make in India" be a success?
d) Critically evaluate the role of Credit Rating agencies. e) What are the functions of Commodity Exchanges?
f) Write a short note on Serious Fraud Investigation Office.
Section - B
II. Critically examine the role and performance of FIPB.
III. What is "Make in India"? Discuss the major objectives behind the initiative.
IV. Define international finance. What factors have contributed to the rising importance of international finance?
V. Compare and contrast the automatic route of ECBS with the approval route for ECBs.
Section – C
VI. What are the key challenges being faced by the infrastructure sector in India?
VII. How is SEBI managed? Discuss the powers and functions of SEBI.
VIII. What do you mean by hedging? Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of hedging.
IX. What do you mean by Corporate Debt Restructuring? Discuss its objectives and importance.
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