B. Com. - Bachelor of Commerce 4th Semester (Hons.)
Management Studies: Consumer Behavior
Paper: BCH-409
Time Allowed: Three Hours] [Maximum Marks: 80
Note: Attempt FOUR short answer types questions from Section A. Attempt TWO questions each from Sections B and C respectively.
I. Attempt any four of the following:-
(a) Why contextual clue is of interest to marketers?
(b) What factors affect the strength of Learning?
(c) What is relationship between involvement and motivation?
(d) What is problem recognition?
(e) What is the conjunctive decision rule?
(f) What is consumption guilt?
II. What type of group influences exist in consumer behaviour? Why must a marketing manager be aware of these separate types of group influence?
III. Why are celebrity sources sometimes effective? What risks are associated with using a celebrity source?
IV. What is sensory discrimination and what role does it play in the evaluation of products? What is meant by a just noticeable difference? 15
V. Describe the impact of point-of-purchase display on retail sales.
VI. Discuss the types of products that resolve specific problems that occur for most consumers at different stages of their household life cycle.
VII. How can knowledge of the decision rules that consumers might use in a certain purchase assist a firm in developing a marketing strategy?
VIII. How do consumers reduce post-purchase dissonance? How can marketers provide positive reinforcement to consumers after the purchase to reduce their dissonance?
IX. Why is observation becoming a more important component of consumer research? Describe two new technologies that can be used to observe consumption behaviour.
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