B. Com. - Bachelor of Commerce 6th Semester (Hons.)
Management Studies: Training and Development
Time Allowed: Three Hours] [Maximum Marks: 80
Note:-Attempt four questions from Section A and two questions each from Sections B and C respectively.
(Any four)
1. (a) Objectives of training.
(b) Programme Instruction training with its advantages and disadvantages.
(c) Difference between training and development.
(d) Reasons for evaluating training and development programmes.
(e) Coaching and monitoring.
(f) Organisation of training and development programmes.
(Any two)
2. Write down the methods of off the job training programmes. Also write down the limitations of each programme.
3. What is the process of a training programme? Explain.
4. What do you mean by a training programme ? Write down the importance of training programme.
5. Explain how to choose the right training techniques in present day organization.
(Any two)
6. Write down the principles of training and development programme that an employer needs to keep in mind. How is it useful for an organisation?
7. Explain the various methods of evaluating training and development programmes.
8. Write a note on orientation and socialization of an executive development programme.
9. Write short notes on:
(a) Problems in evaluation
(b) Merits and demerits of role based training.
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