B. Com. - Bachelor of Commerce 4th Semester
Marketing Management
Paper: BCM-405
Time Allowed: Three Hours] [Maximum Marks: 80
Note: - (1) Attempt any FOUR questions in Section A. Each question carries 5 marks.
(2) Attempt any TWO questions each from Sections B and C. Each question carries 15 marks.
1. Scope of Marketing.
2. Concentrated vs scattered buying.
3. Marketing Mix.
4. Advertising copy.
5. Causes of channel conflict.
6. Rural marketing.
7. Define marketing. Discuss in detail evolution of marketing concepts and philosophies.
8. Explain in detail the determinants of consumer behaviour.
9. Discuss in steps involved in planning and development of new product.
10. What do you understand by product branding? Discuss branding strategies in detail.
11. What is meant by product pricing? Which factors influence product pricing decisions?
12. Write short notes on-
(a) Marketing communication barriers
(b) Functions of wholesalers.
13. What is meant by advertising media? Explain the factors to be considered while selecting a suitable advertising media.
14. Write a detailed note on marketing in developing economies with special reference to the problems faced by such economies in marketing.
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