BBA - Bachelor of Business Administration
1st Semester
Organization Behaviour
Max. Marks: 80] [ Time allowed: 3 Hours
NOTE: Attempt four short answer type questions from Section-A. Attempt two questions each from Section B and C respectively.
Section - A
I. Attempt any four of the following: -
a) Define organizational behaviour?
b) Discuss the models of individual behaviour in brief.
c) What is MBTI? Explain.
d) What is understood by the term cohesiveness?
e) State the components of organizational culture.
f) Mr. X is an employee in ABC Ltd. Co. He gets along well with his co-workers and is quite popular. He has been working at the same position for past 7 years. He is not concerned that he is not promoted. He is quite satisfied with his job, pay package and working environment. He strictly follows his nine to five routines. After his office hours he pursues his hobbies which of the needs in Maslow's need hierarchy theory seems to be most important to Mr. X.
Section - B
II. Discuss the various models of organizational behaviour in detail.
III. How can perception be improved? Discuss.
IV. Explain the different theories of personality.
V. Discuss the dimensions of emotional intelligence in detail.
Section - C
VI. How can resistance to change be overcome? Discuss.
VII. What is stress? What are its consequences?
VIIL What is conflict? How can it be resolved?
IX. Explain the foundations of employee motivation.
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