Bachelor of Commerce- B. Com.
First Semester
BCM-107: Principles and Practice of Management
Max. Marks: 80 Time allowed: 3 Hours
NOTE: Attempt four short answer type questions from Section-A. Attempt two questions each from Section B and C respectively.
Section - A
I. Write short answers to any four of the following:-
a) Is management an art?
b) What are the limitations of planning?
c) Briefly discuss Centralization.
d) What is direction?
e) What are the limitations of coordination?
f) Why control is necessary in organization?
Section - B
II. Define Management. What are the salient features of Management?
III. Briefly discuss the contribution of Elton Mayo towards management thought.
IV. Describe briefly the steps involved in planning.
V. Define organization. Discuss the principles of organization.
Section - C
VI. Define communication. State the common barriers to effective communication in an organization.
VII. Define leadership. Also, discuss its significance.
VIII. What do you mean by motivation? Briefly discuss the theories of motivation.
IX. Explain the concept and nature of control. Also, discuss its importance.
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