BBA - Bachelor of Business Administration 3rd Semester
BBA-204: Economics of Money and Banking
Max. Marks: 80] [Time allowed: 3 Hours
NOTE: Attempt four short answer type questions from Section-A. Attempt two questions each from Section B and C respectively.
Section - A
1. Attempt any four out of the following:
a) What are the difficulties in barter system?
b) Give the advantages of Electronic funds transfer.
c) Distinguish between money and near money.
d) Write a short note on Non-performing Assets of a bank.
e) What do you mean by Cheque Truncation System?
f) What are the characteristics of a commercial bank?
Section - B
2. Discuss Keynesian theory of demand for money. How does it is different from classical theory of demand for money?
3. What do you mean by Velocity of money? Explain the factors affecting the Velocity of money.
4. What are different forms of Gold standard? Give main Advantages and Disadvantages of Gold standard.
5. What do you mean by monetary policy and explain the major instruments of monetary policy.
Section - C
6. Discuss the major banking sector reforms in India?
7. Explain the quantitative techniques of credit control used by central bank of a country.
8. What do you mean by IMF? What are its achievements and failures?
9. "Risk management primarily entails identifying the risk, measuring the risk and finally managing the risk" Elaborate the statement.
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