BBA- Bachelor of Business Administration 2nd Semester
Essentials of Business Economics-2
Paper: BBAS123
Time Allowed: Three Hours] [Maximum Marks: 80
Note: - This question paper consists of three parts. Attempt FOUR questions from Part-A, each answer will carry 5 marks and attempt TWO questions each from the other Parts, each answer will carry 15 marks.
1. Any two methods of measuring national income.
2. Scope of macroeconomics.
3. Effective demand.
4. What are the objectives of fiscal policy?
5. Explain the effects of inflation.
6.What are the determinants of marginal efficiency of capital?
7. Explain the importance and limitations of macroeconomics.
8. Critically explain the Keynesian theory of income and employment.
9. What are the factors that determine propensity to save and consume?
10. Explain different aggregates in measuring national income and problems in measuring national income.
11. Critically explain the theory of secular stagnation. 12. Explain various instruments of monetary policy.
13. In a developing economy what are the causes of inflation and measures to solve the problem?
14. What is the importance of investment and what are the factors affecting investment?
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