BBA- Bachelor of Business Administration 2nd Semester
Legal Aspects of Business
Time Allowed: Three Hours] [Maximum Marks: 80
Note: -Section-A: Attempt any four questions of 5 marks each.
Section-B: Attempt any two questions of 15 marks each.
Section-C Attempt any two questions of 15 marks each.
1. Misrepresentation vs. Fraud.
2. Rule of Caveat Emptor.
3. Explain offer of Performance.
4. Voidable Contract.
5. Conditions vs. Warranties.
6. Define Pledge.
7. "An acceptance is to offer what a lighted match is to train of gun powder". Explain and illustrate.
8. What do you understand by discharge of a contract? Explain different modes of discharge of contract.
9. What do you mean by Agency by ratification? What are the requisites of valid ratification?
10. What do you understand by Contract of Bailment? Discuss the rights and duties of Bailor.
11. What do you understand by Contract of Sale? Differentiate between Sale and Agreement to Sell.
12. When is the seller known as Unpaid? What are the rights available to an unpaid seller?
13. Explain in detail the Consumer Dispute Redressal Machinery in resolving consumer grievances.
14. Explain the terms as per CPA, 2019:
(i) Complaint
(ii) Restrictive Trade Practice
(iii) Unfair Trade Practice.
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North India Campus