BBA- Bachelor of Business Administration 2nd Semester
Personality Development and Professional Skills
Paper: BBA-125
Time Allowed: Three Hours] [Maximum Marks: 80
Note: - Student is required to attempt FOUR questions from Section A. Student is required to attempt TWO questions from Section B and TWO questions from Section C.
1. Attempt any FOUR of the following:
(a) What do you understand by personality development?
(b) Discuss briefly various types of interpersonal relationships.
(c) List various types of job interviews,
(d) What are the essentials of a team?
(e) Explain briefly various sources of stress.
(f) Describe briefly the significance of work place etiquettes.
2. What is self-concept? Describe various self-management techniques that a person can practice.
3. Highlight the need and importance of creativity skills. Explain the various stages of creativity.
4. Differentiate between presentation and public speaking. Explain various steps involved in making an effective presentation.
5. Discuss various types of group discussions. List some dos and don'ts while participating in a group discussion.
6. Describe various types of teams. Explain the team building process in detail.
7. What are the consequences of stress? Discuss the role of organization in reducing employee stress.
8. What do you understand by learning organization? Explain various ways to transform an organization into a learning organization.
9. What is non-verbal communication? Discuss the important types and functions of non-verbal communication.
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