BBA - Bachelor of Business Administration 4th Semester
Fundamentals of E-Commerce
Time Allowed: Three Hours] [Maximum Marks: 80
Note: Attempt any four questions from Section A, each question carries 5 marks. Attempt two questions each from Section B and Section C respectively, each question carries 15 marks.
I. What are the requirements of web-based e-commerce?
II. Differentiate C2C and C2B e-commerce.
III. What is e-shopping cart?
IV. How is entertainment industry impacted by e-commerce? V. Write short note on e-wallet.
VI. Define Cryptography.
VII. Define e-commerce. What are the unique features of e-commerce? Discuss in detail.
VIII. What factors are contributing to the growth of e-commerce in India? Discuss in the present context.
IX. Define e-business model. Discuss various models of B2C e-commerce with suitable examples.
X. Explain different regulatory aspects in e-commerce.
XI. Discuss the application of e-commerce in Education industry.
XII. What is electronic data interchange (EDI)? Discuss the importance of EDI in managing the business.
XIII. What do you mean by digital signature? Discuss the process and significance of digital signature in Cyber World.
XIV. Discuss various types of electronic payment systems.
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